Imshia Scheme Objective


Providing Affordable Quality Health Care for Imolites

The Imo State Health Insurance Law 4, 2018:
Provides for a mandatory Health insurance scheme for every person resident in the state.

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The Objectives of the Scheme are to –

Ensure that every resident of Imo State has easy access to effective, quality and affordable healthcare services
Ensure that residents of Imo State have protection against financial risks that may arise due to illness
Limit the inflammatory rise in the cost of healthcare services
Protect families from financial hardship of huge medical bills
Improve the health-seeking behaviour of Imo State residents thereby increasing life expectancy
Ensure equitable distribution of healthcare costs across different income groups
Ensure that the poor and vulnerable shall have access to the basic minimum package of healthcare as defined under the National Health Act
Maintain high standard of health care delivery services within the Health Sector
Ensure efficiency in healthcare delivery within the Health Sector
Improve and harness private sector participation and investment in the health sector of Imo State
Harness the great potentials of diaspora investment in the Imo State Health System
Ensure appropriate utilization of services at all levels of the healthcare delivery system
Ensure the availability of alternate sources of funding to the health sector for improved services

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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)