CHANGE they say is constant. It can however be filled with lots of uncertainties and discomfort sometimes.

Few months ago, some changes were made as regards the leadership of the Imo State Health Insurance Agency.

It came as a surprise to many especially the members of Staff, some of whom were unsure how things would go from there.

In few weeks however, a lot has changed, work has commenced in ernest and the Result is becoming more visible.

All thanks to the result driven Executive Secretary, Imo State Health Insurance Agency; Dr. Uche Ewelike who enjoys the undiluted support of His Excellency, Distinguished Senator Hope Uzodimma , The Executive Governor Of Imo State along side The Executive Commissioner for Health Insurance; Dr. Barthy Okorochukwu and the Executive Commissioner for Health; Dr. Success Prosper-Ohayagha and most certainly the entire IMSHIA Management and Staff.

Indeed, This Is A Formidable Team!

Ours will work!

God bless Imo!

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