

CHANGE they say is constant. It can however be filled with lots of uncertainties and discomfort sometimes. Few months ago, some changes were made as regards the leadership of the Imo State Health Insurance Agency. It came as a surprise to many especially the members of Staff, some of whom were unsure how things would […]
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Public Service Announcement

Imo State Health Insurance Agency His Excellency Distinguished Senator Hope Uzodimma, Governor of Imo State is expected to flag off the activation of access to care for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in Imo State as scheduled: Date: Thursday 4th, May 2023. Venue: Rear Admiral Ndubuisi Kanu Square (RANKS) Time: 12:00 Noon The program in collaboration […]
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Preparation for the Official flag off for the BHCPF access to care and Formal Sector in Imo State.

Earlier today in Abuja, the ES and CEO of ImoStateHealthInsuranceAgency met with the country director of the WorldHealthOrganizationNigeria ,the CEO of the NationalPrimaryHealthCareDevelopmentAgency and the Honorable Commissioner for Health Imo State in preparation for the Official flag off for the BHCPF access to care and Formal Sector in Imo State by the Governor of Imo […]
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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